New – York – City?!?

Although I initially thought that “The Trump Fiasco” was going to be bad, and in some ways imagined it worse than what is currently going on, which is actually a bit hard to believe, I also thought that, realistically, he probably wouldn’t be much worse than Bush 43. (there was probably WAY too much naive hopefulness and denial involved in that) However, it has now become transparently clear that it is literally unbelievable how horrendous it truly is. There are literally “no words”, and not enough ‘bad’ words in the English language to adequately describe the situation.

At least people are ‘fighting back’ and resisting and all that. Some of us, anyway. Not enough of us. If we’re lucky he will be impeached and removed. If someone assassinated his ass, which would not surprise me in the least, I wouldn’t even blink. I would be thankful for “small favors”, and hope that Pence would then not be as bad as Bush 43. (at least he was a governor)

And then there was just that domestic terrorism event at the Neo-Nazi / KKK / White Supremacist / White Nationalist Rally and NON-violent anti-rally where the scumbag drove into people with his car and killed the one woman and caused grievous bodily harm and such to about 20 others, and some other violence, and a couple of police officers died in a helicopter crash. #SAD The violence can directly be tied back to trumPsycho-trumpito as an instigator. I would be suing his ass BIG time if it was someone I cared about or was related to. And then he makes that completely and totally asinine statement (Mr. Presidential) where he blamed the violence “on many sides, on many sides.” What a worthless piece of shit-trash scumbag he is. And that does not come close to actually describing how bad he really is. #JFC (more on that later)

Trump Rat