Like 9/11 was “A New Pearl Harbor”, the next False Flag attack on the United States will be “A New 9/11”.

It’s been almost 20 years, so it’s about time. “Some” would probably say it is ‘past time’. And, no doubt, “some” would say it is a ‘good time’.

Especially considering what’s happened the last year or so.

They’ve used planes, so if only in a creative sense, they will most likely use something else next time. (maybe)

Oklahoma City used a Ryder truck, as did the 1993 WTC bombing. I guess U-Haul needs to up their advertising game. (or lower their prices? — terrorist funder pocketbooks aren’t bottomless, you know)

Considering the more-than-a-little-scary penchant and interest in nuclear weapons and actually using them by Trump, that is very likely a strong possibility. Add in the North Korea bullshit, as well as the apparent extreme desire for “someone” in the U.S. Government and related extra-governmental influences and interest in destroying Iran, and Bob’s Your Uncle. The Nuclear Option is as good as any other, and possibly ‘better’ than most others, if not all of them.

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